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What Design Skills Do You ACTUALLY Need to Thrive?

Do you want to know what really makes a great designer? It's more than just knowing the latest software, isn't it? In today's fast-paced...

Join the Conversation: Why Creatives Should Subscribe to Our Reddit Design...

Have you ever wanted a place to connect with like-minded creatives, share your work, or ask burning questions about design? Look no further than...

Santa’s Sleigh of Styles: Decoding What Designers Secretly Crave This Christmas

So, you're curious about what designers are hoping for this holiday season? It’s not always just the latest gadgets. Sure, some want those, but...

Why Some Designers Rock and Others Roll

Have you ever found yourself completely captivated by a piece of design? Maybe it was a sleek website that felt intuitive to navigate, a...

This is Why You Need to Use Pinterest as a Creative...

Show Your Work and Find Inspiration: Unleash Your Inner Muse and Discover Why Pinterest is Your Creative Bestie (And Secret Weapon) Alright, let's be real...

If Famous Artists Were Graphic Designers Today: A Satirical Look at...

In graphic design, we’re always looking for fresh inspiration. But what if the biggest names in art history took a crack at modern design...

Top 20 Design YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024

As a designer, staying updated with the latest trends, tools, and techniques is crucial for both personal growth and professional success. Continuous learning and...

The Top 5 Things Every Aspiring Designer Should Know

5 Design Mantras to Unleash Your Inner Da Vinci (Without the Turtle Dissections) So, you've got the artistic spark, a head full of ideas, and...

Unleashing Your Inner Creative: A Guide to Sparking Inspiration and Elevating...

In creativity, where ideas and imagination dance in a constant symphony, staying inspired can be a challenge. As creative professionals, we're constantly bombarded with...

The 10 Most Important Fonts Every Graphic Designer Should Have

Elevate Your Design Game: Exploring the Essential Typeface Collection for Every Graphic Designer Fonts are essential tools for graphic designers, as they can convey different...

New York Design at Home

New York Design at Home, a book that profiles 27 homes of creative professionals. Designers love to fill their homes with personal objects as well...

Best Graphic Design and Branding Inspiration in 2015

Discover our selection of best graphic design and branding projects featured in 2015 on WE AND THE COLOR! After yesterday's announcement of our best photography...