Site specific installations of mind-provoking sculptures and objects by German artist Cornelia Konrads.

Born in 1957 in Wuppertal, Germany, Cornelia Konrads is an artist who mainly specializes in site specific installations of sculptures and objects for commissioned projects in public spaces, sculpture parks, and private collections. Her artworks create a playful twist of our usual perception. She wants to present alternative ways for the viewers to reexamine the usual relationship between nature and man-made constructions. Over the past years, her installations could be seen across Europe, Asia, Australia, America, and Africa. Feel free to see more of her work here:

Cornelia Konrads, Still life with tree, 2008
Still life with tree, 2008. An installation created for a landscape marked by volcanic activity at Chastreix, Massif du Sancy, France.
Cornelia Konrads, Walkaway, 2013
Walkaway, 2013. 2nd International Land Art Biennale in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa.
Cornelia Konrads, Settlement, 2010
Settlement, 2010. This was made as a commissioned artwork for the N8 Cashel to Mitchelstown Road, Cahir, Ireland.
Cornelia Konrads, Schleudersitz, 2010
Schleudersitz, 2010. The installation was made for the Flying Objects international art exhibition at Eining, Neustadt a.d. Donau, Germany.
Cornelia Konrads, Grass works, 2002
Grass works, 2002. An installation made at a cemetery chapel in Stand Orte, Dreieich, Germany.

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