Recognition by Fabrica at Tate Britain

Recognition – the artificial intelligence project winner of IK Prize 2016 by Tate.

Fabrica’s award-winning artificial intelligence program compares up-to-the-minute photo journalistic images from Reuters with British art from the Tate collection. The IK Prize 2016 has been awarded in partnership with Microsoft. In order to develop Recognition, Coralie Gourguechon, Monica Lanaro, Angelo Semeraro, and Isaac Vallentin of Fabrica teamed up with the internationally renowned artificial intelligence specialists Jolibrain. Based on visual and thematic similarities, the program is searching through Tate’s archive and collection of British art online, comparing works with news images from Reuters. The developers of the project used a variety of latest computer vision technologies such as object recognition, facial recognition, and composition analysis. Please read more below the first image.

Recognition - the artificial intelligence project winner of IK Prize 2016 by Tate.
Recognition – the artificial intelligence project winner of IK Prize 2016 by Tate.

From September 2 up to November 27, 2016, the online project will collect an ever-expanding virtual gallery. Accompanied by a display at Tate Britain, visitors can experience visual similarities between art and photojournalism. Furthermore, they are invited to compare the artificially selected matches with their own experiences and selections in order to help retrain the algorithm. For further information about the project, please visit Fabrica’s website and look for Recognition or see it live in action here:

The Fabrica team.
Members of the award-winning Fabrica team.
The program compares Reuters images with British art from the Tate collection.
The program compares Reuters images with British art from the Tate collection based on visual and thematic similarities.
Recognition creates a virtual gallery.
Recognition creates an ever growing virtual gallery.
The comparison is based on visual and thematic similarities.
The comparison is based on visual and thematic similarities. You can experience the project online and at Tate Britain in London, UK.

All images © by Fabrica/Reuters/Tate. Find more inspiring art projects on WE AND THE COLOR. Our Art section includes a handpicked selection of diverse work ranging from drawing and painting to sculptures and large installations. Furthermore, we provide you with information on upcoming shows and events. WE AND THE COLOR is your source for the daily dose of art inspiration.


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