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With this online course by Lucy Fleming, you can learn to draw cute children’s illustrations using the Procreate app.

Magic and children’s illustration have one thing in common – the power to make anything possible. Lucy Fleming captures these possibilities through her digital brush, creating captivating characters and imaginative worlds with a sprinkle of enchantment. As an illustrator who specializes in stories for young readers, she has worked alongside top publishers such as Penguin Random House, Bloomsbury, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and HarperCollins.

Through this online course, she will show you her techniques to construct magical illustrations in Procreate. Experiment with different brushes, layers, textures, and colors to craft dreamy landscapes populated by charming characters. Create works of art that evoke a sense of awe and joy in young readers!

Learn to Draw Children’s Illustrations with Procreate
Learn to Draw Children’s Illustrations with Procreate

Wondering what you’ll gain from this e-learning program? Let me tell you – we have an extensive curriculum packed with key knowledge and skills to equip you for success!

Lucy Fleming kickstarts the course by introducing herself and her exciting journey as an illustrator, highlighting the influences which drive her artistry.

Submerge yourself in Procreate, and try out its brushes before you dive deeper into layers and textures. After that, pick a classic piece of literature to recreate with your visuals. To finish up the project, make sure to draw up a mood board and create an accompanying color palette for it!

To craft a stunning illustration, start by sketching some rough thumbnails to determine the composition. Then move on to painting – begin with backgrounds and textures, followed by the main characters. Add additional scenery and expressive details to bring your work of art alive!

After you finish your masterpiece, Lucy will guide how to showcase it through social media channels and create an impressive portfolio.

What type of project will students complete in this course?

Using Procreate, create a stunning illustration that reflects the beauty of magic and follows a primary character on their journey.

Who can benefit from this online course?

Visual artists and anyone eager to gain knowledge in creating digital illustrations for children’s literature, look no further!

Necessary resources and components

To ensure a successful session, come with some knowledge of digital drawing or painting. Moreover, you will need an iPad and the Procreate app as well as an Apple Pencil or stylus that is suitable for your needs.

All images © by Lucy Fleming. Do not hesitate to find more recommended online courses on WE AND THE COLOR.


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