Planet Unknown – Animation by Shawn Wang

Planet Unknown, a lovely animated short film by Chinese student and director Shawn Wang.

Inspired by diverse movies such as Interstellar, Wall-E, Toy Story, and Chappie as well as NASA’s breathtaking documentaries about Mars Rover Curiosity, Shawn Wang started to work on this project in July 2015. At the very beginning there were no fixed storyline until November. Shawn says the whole process of creating was a major challenge and a great opportunity to improve his skills. Please read more details about this lovely animation below the first image.

Planet Unknown, a sweet futuristic animation by Shawn Wang.
Planet Unknown, a sweet futuristic animation by Shawn Wang.

The story: At the end of the 21st century, humanity is running out of global resources and space rovers were sent out to find potential inhabitable planets. This lovely animated short film follows two of these friendly robots in order to give us an insight into their adventurous and dangerous work on an unknown planet.

A variety of software and plugins was used. Cinema 4D, plugin TurbulenceFD and Octane for C4D became Shawn Wang’s major tools. Furthermore, Shawn worked with 3D and animation software such as Houdini, Zbrush, and Mari. After Effects and Premiere were used for compositing and editing.

Echoic Audio, one of UK’s leading music and sound design studios has composed an epic orchestral sound, which boosts the short film to the next level.

Sit back and enjoy this heartwarming animation. A few stills and full credits can be found below the video. For further information, please visit the following websites.

Shawn Wang:
Planet Unknown:
Echoic Audio:

Intelligent robots explore an unknown planet.
Intelligent robots explore an unknown planet.
A bizarre rock landscape was formed after a meteor shower.
A bizarre rock landscape was formed after a meteor shower.
Latest 3D software has been used to create each scene.
Latest 3D software has been used to create each scene.
Another meteor shower arrives at the planet.
Another meteor shower arrives at the planet.
Despite harsh conditions, life seems possible at this place.
Despite harsh conditions, life seems possible at this place.
The short film is a masterpiece in terms of 3D design, animation, and special effects.
The short film is a masterpiece in terms of 3D design, animation, special effects, and sound design.

Footage © by Shawn Wang/Credits:
Written & Directed by Shawn Wang
Modelling, Texturing, Animation, Compositing & Editing by Shawn Wang
Music & Sound Design by Echoic Audio
Composing by Sam Foster
Sound Design by Tom Gilbert & David Johnston
Special Thanks to Evolutions
Re-recording by Mixer Will Norie
Faculty Producer: Xinyuan Huang
Faculty Adviser: Yucheng Huang
Special Thanks to System Advisers – Horizon Bian/Sicong Wang/Jiawei Cao


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