Pinterest Illustrations by Matt Stevens

Defining the Pinterest Illustrated Style – Illustrations by Matt Stevens.

Matt Stevens, a Charlotte, North Carolina based illustrator had the pleasure to work with Pinterest’s brand team. He developed a series of illustrated assets for them to use throughout the entire product. His work was used to define the illustrated style, to create a toolbox of assets, and to create a short motion piece. After preliminary drawings and sketches, the brand team had identified four stylistic directions, which express the warmth and simplicity of the Pinterest brand. Matt Stevens also did some early rough storyboards for the motion piece.

Below you can see some examples of his work as well as the finale short motion video. For more information and other illustrative projects by Matt Stevens, feel free and visit his website:

Flat vintage illustration samples created by Matt Stevens for Pinterest.
Flat vintage illustration samples created by Matt Stevens for Pinterest.
Whimsy illustration samples.
Whimsy illustration samples.
Pinterest illustrations created by Matt Stevens.
Pinterest illustrations created by Matt Stevens.
Defining the Pinterest illustrated style.
Defining the Pinterest illustrated style.
A flat illustrated robot graphic.
A flat illustrated robot graphic.
Individual flat icons.
Individual flat icons.
Character illustrations.
Character illustrations.
How it looks on a mobile phone.
How it looks on a mobile phone.


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