Nike Training Club Facts – Infographics

Nike Training Club Facts – Isometric infographics illustrated by Jing Zhang.

While working for agency AKQA London, illustrator Jing Zhang has created an imaginative world of well illustrated infographics. This series of isometric illustrations features several activities and visual cues related to the Nike+ community. Agency AKQA London provided Jing Zhang with all the stats and facts about Nike+. Art direction was done by Ricky Bowry and Alex Hoban. Lisa Pickett was responsible for the entire production.

Jing Zhang illustrated the lead image that includes several ‘floors’ of user activities, like the floors of a real house. Each floor or series of floors depict different areas for our exploration of the world of N+TC and Nike+ Running. Below you can see some details of the Nike Training Club Facts – infographics.

Nike Training Club Facts, an imaginative infographic world created by Jing Zhang, while working with agency AKQA London.
Nike Training Club Facts, an imaginative infographic world created by Jing Zhang, while working with agency AKQA London.
Different infographic details and facts isometric illustrated.
Different infographic details and facts isometric illustrated.
Nike infographics illustrated by Jing Zhang.
Nike infographics illustrated by Jing Zhang.
Nike+ users are connected through a digital ecosystem - Infographic illustrations.
Nike+ users are connected through a digital ecosystem – Infographic illustrations.


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