Check out these mind-blowing music cover illustrations created by Andreu Zaragoza in 2022.

Since his childhood, Andreu Zaragoza has been captivated by drawing and art. Drawn to comic books and musical artwork alike, he eventually made the decision to pursue a career in graphic design at La Llotja (Barcelona). After spending several years as a designer, Andreu opted to revive his long-lost passion for pencils and paintbrushes. His modern work is composed of both traditional ink illustrations with digital techniques that include various textures plus vivid colors!

Below you can see six amazing music covers illustrated by Andreu Zaragoza. Please take a look at Andreu’s website or check out his portfolio on Behance.

Music covers from 2022 by Andreu Zaragoza
Music covers from 2022 by Andreu Zaragoza

All images © by Andreu Zaragoza. Take a look at our Illustration category for more inspiring work from all over the world.

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