Mirages, a masterfully illustrated series of nocturnal cityscapes created by Romain Trystram.

Here comes another amazing illustration series by Romain Trystram, a well-known freelance art director and illustrator who currently lives and works in Agadir, Morocco. You may have seen his illustrative work before on WE AND THE COLOR. His typical style is easily recognizable. Romain loves to play with different colors as well as lights and darkness to create dreamlike cityscapes. His latest series called “Mirages” features a mix of architecture and colorful neon signs of world-famous brands. Just have a look below. For more of Romain Trystram’s beautiful work, please visit his portfolio.

Mirages - colorful illustrations of nocturnal cityscapes by Romain Trystram.
Mirages – colorful illustrations of nocturnal cityscapes by Romain Trystram.

All images © by Romain Trystram.


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