Cute and hilarious illustrations of the series “Furry Things” by Kamwei Fong aka Bo&Friends.
Bo&Friends is an illustrative art project that was launched by Kamwei Fong in 2010. Through cute drawings and sculptures of different animal characters, the project’s aim is to encourage people to become more optimistic about everyday life. Kamwei Fong’s “Furry Things” series is mainly based on hairy cat illustrations. Most of the artworks are available as fine art prints in different sizes at the official Bo&Friends shop on Etsy. The shop also includes handmade ceramic sculptures, paper crafts, t-shirt, tote bags, flower vases, kitchenware, porcelain tiles, plush and many more. Some of the cute cats can be found below. To stay up to date with Kamwei Fong’s latest work, just follow him on Instagram and Facebook.
All images © by Bo&Friends. Feel free to discover more inspiring illustrations on