Into The Wild – Illustration by Xavier Casalta

Into The Wild, a hand lettering and illustration project by Xavier Casalta.

Xavier Casalta is a Paris based artist and graphic designer. He mainly specializes in hand-lettering and illustration.

This artwork called “Into The Wild” consists of millions of dots, which were made with a 0.10mm pen. It took him about 380 hours of inking to create this 56×76 cm artwork. As we know it from printing processes, light and dark areas were created by the distances between the dots. I recommend you to visit Xavier Casalta’s website to see more of his work.

Into The Wild, a hand lettering and illustration project by Xavier Casalta.
Into The Wild, a hand lettering and illustration project by Xavier Casalta.
A view of first lines and scribbles.
A view of first lines and scribbles.
Work in progress.
Work in progress.
Estimated 6 million dots were made with a 0.10mm pen.
Estimated 6 million dots were made with a 0.10mm pen.
Close up of the drawing.
Close up of the drawing. It was created of millions of dots.
Another close up of the artwork.
Another close up of the artwork.
The finale artwork by Xavier Casalta, a Paris based artist, graphic designer, and illustrator.
The finale artwork by Xavier Casalta, a Paris based artist, graphic designer, and illustrator.


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