Healthcare Animation by James Gilleard

A vintage inspired healthcare animation by James Gilleard.

Do you know James Gilleard? He is a remarkable freelance illustrator and animator based in London, United Kingdom. As a small example of his skill, I want to show you this beautifully illustrated animation, which was produced for a heathcare company earlier in 2014. He created lots of funny illustrations of characters and objects for the video. The entire style is heavily inspired by good old vintage cartoons.

Below you can see some stills as well as the final healthcare animation. The video is so funny illustrated and animated. It really gives the impression of an old illustrated TV commercial or cartoon.

I recommend you to check out James Gilleard’s website. There you can find more stunning illustrations and animations.

The video is also featured in our WE AND THE COLOR Vimeo Group and Channel.

Vintage inspired healthcare animation and character design by James Gilleard.
Vintage inspired healthcare animation and character design by James Gilleard.
Animation and illustration by James Gilleard, a London, United Kingdom based freelance illustrator and animator.
Animation and illustration by James Gilleard, a London, United Kingdom based freelance illustrator and animator.
Video Illustrations by James Gilleard.
Video Illustrations by James Gilleard.
Funny retro style animation.
Funny retro style animation.
Vintage cartoon style animation and characters.
Vintage cartoon style animation and characters.


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