DP Arquitectos has embarked on an ambitious project on the outskirts of Romeira, Santarém, to create a house that epitomizes existential, humanized, and concrete living. This architectural marvel is not just a house but a structured, meaningful, and purposeful abode, thoughtfully integrated with its surroundings.

A house in Romeira draws inspiration from the hills of Ribatejo
A house in Romeira draws inspiration from the hills of Ribatejo. Architectural design by DP Arquitectos. Photography by Ivo Tavares.

Architectural Philosophy: Enhancing Visual Alignments

The design philosophy behind this house is rooted in enhancing visual alignments across the territory. This approach blends urban and landscape perspectives, making the house a potential visual reference point in its locale. The architects have meticulously organized the structure to interact harmoniously with the surrounding environment, creating an aesthetically pleasing and functional space.

Secluded Access: A Journey of Discovery

Access to the house is intentionally indirect and hidden from the public road, contributing to its secluded charm. Visitors embark on a journey around a small hill, ascending beside a preserved patch of holm oaks. This deliberate distance ensures privacy for everyday use and creates an experiential approach, allowing for a gradual visual appreciation of the building before reaching the entry point.

Fragmented Design: A Symphony of Spaces

The house’s design is a masterful aggregation of multiple spaces, each contained within its own volume. These spaces, each with a unique identity and programmatic function, are defined by their distinct topological attributes. The concept of fragmentation is skillfully executed, resulting in a harmonious collection of autonomous yet interconnected spaces. This design not only integrates contemporary aesthetic and constructive elements but also dematerializes the total mass of the building into smaller, more intimate volumes.

Embracing Heritage: A Nod to Portuguese Rural Landscape

DP Arquitectos pays homage to the Portuguese rural landscape by incorporating formal themes inspired by traditional “montes” buildings. These structures, typically found in dominant landscape positions, are characterized by informally positioned volumes. The house echoes this heritage, blending traditional influences with modern architectural practices to create a residence that feels both timeless and contemporary.

Conclusion: A Model of Existential Living

In summary, DP Arquitectos’ project in Santarém is a testament to the firm’s ability to create spaces that are not only visually striking but also deeply meaningful and functional. By enhancing visual alignments, ensuring privacy, and embracing a fragmented design, the house stands as a model of existential, humanized living. It integrates the best of contemporary aesthetics with the rich heritage of Portuguese rural architecture, offering a unique and inspiring living space.

All images © by Ivo Tavares and DP Arquitectos. Don’t hesitate to browse WE AND THE COLOR Architecture section for more inspiring posts.