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Book recommendation: Dieter Rams – As Little Design As Possible, a book published by Phaidon Press.

Written by Sophie Lovell, the book is an incredibly complex monograph on Dieter Rams’ life, work, and ideas. On 400 pages, the book is a precise and comprehensive presentation of his life and work. Dieter Rams is widely known as one of the most influential product and industrial designers of the twentieth century. Whether radios, clocks, lighters, juicers, shelves or whatever, his designs are characterized by this well-balanced mix of simple form and function. His ideas are summed up in his ‘ten design principles’: good design is innovative, useful, and aesthetic. Good design should make a product easily understood. Good design is unobtrusive, honest, durable, thorough, and concerned with the environment. Last but not least, good design is as little design as possible. This book is a must-have for anyone interested in Dieter Rams’ outstanding work! It is available on Amazon, just follow the link below.

You can purchase the book on Amazon.

Dieter Rams - As Little Design As Possible.
Dieter Rams: As Little Design As Possible.
Dieter Rams - As Little Design As Possible, Detail view of the cover typo.
Detail view of the cover typo.
Dieter Rams - As Little Design As Possible, The book is the definitive monograph on Dieter Rams’ life, work and ideas.
The book is the definitive monograph on Dieter Rams’ life, work and ideas.
Dieter Rams - As Little Design As Possible, Well-formed and functional products.
Well-formed and functional products.
Dieter Rams - As Little Design As Possible, A comprehensive overview of his design work.
A comprehensive overview of his design work.

The publication is available for purchase on Amazon.

All images © by Phaidon Press. Do not hesitate to find more recommended books on WE AND THE COLOR.


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