Ineffable, an artist documentary directed by Jesse Brass about painter Bo Bartlett.
After our recent article about Bo Bartlett, we want to show you a little more of this exceptional painter. As part of his ongoing “Making Art” series, director and filmmaker Jesse Brass of Brass Brothers Films has produced this beautiful documentary about American realist painter Bo Bartlett. With poetry by T. S. Eliot, the film masterfully documents the creative life and work of this outstanding artist. Music courtesy of Century of Aeroplanes, Lee Rosevere, Betsy Eby & Jason Leonard. For further information about the artist, please visit his website or check out this earlier article on WE AND THE COLOR.
The film is also featured on our YouTube channel. Feel free to subscribe here.
Any footage © by Jesse Brass and Bo Bartlett. Feel free to have a look into our Motion and Art categories. Both sections are filled with a handpicked selection of most inspiring work. Furthermore, we provide you with information on current and forthcoming exhibitions.