Bernadett Baji’s wine label and creative CV design by kissmiklos.
Kissmiklos, a talented Budapest, Hungary based graphic designer and visual artist has created these very special wine labels for Bernadett Baji.
At first glance, Kissmiklos’ solution looks like a typical wine label, but on a closer look you will see it’s a CV. Bernadett Baji’s attempt was to apply for a marketing job at Bortársaság, a Hungarian wine distributor company. Actually, Bernadett asked the designer to create only a nice looking CV, but instead of just doing this, kissmiklos suggested her to use a Tokaj wine as application. Kissmiklos has developed the entire CV in a nice wine label style. After all, Betti got hired by the company.
So I would say, very well done and mission accomplished! For more, please visit: