Provocative illustrations in pink and black by Alicia Rihko.
Alicia Rihko is a freelance illustrator and designer who lives and works in Spain. Using a striking pink as her signature color along with black lines and only a few additional colors, the Spain based illustrator creates prints with a strong sense of sexuality as well as a nice mix of diverse emotions and nostalgia. Inspired by youth, movies, and this “live fast die young” attitude, her illustrations seem to tell stories of the wild side of life. It’s the unadjusted and rebellious kind of representation in her pieces, that definitely arouses the attention of the beholder. Some of the artworks can be seen below. For more, please visit Alicia Rihko’s website or follow her on Instagram. Each piece is available as limited edition print on her website.

All images © by Alicia Rihko. Do not hesitate to find more talented illustrators on WE AND THE COLOR – your space for the daily dose of creative inspiration! Whether handmade drawings or digital illustrations, we show you a handpicked selection of outstanding work.