Tiles, an experimental film about tessellated patterns in kinetic behavior.

This film by Barcelona-based Diatomic Studio explores the module as the origin of harmony of a pattern.

“Using basic elements of geometry such as points, lines, circles, triangles, or squares, and combining them with the basic formulas of kinetics such as transaction, rotation, trajectory, or scale, we achieve new compositions of tessellated patterns of linear progression by increments.

Combining these basic elements, with only the use of black and white as the maximum synthesis of the form, discovers the module’s potential as part of the whole by itself, creating geometric tessellations and complex abstract compositions that open a whole immense range of expressive possibilities.”

You can find more of Diatomic Studio’s creative work on their website or follow them on Behance, Vimeo, and Instagram.

Tiles by Diatomic Studio
Tiles by Diatomic Studio

Any footage © by Diatomic Studio. Do not hesitate to find more inspiring work in the Motion category or check out our official YouTube channel.


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