Composed of soft and warm light, these portraits reveal intimate moments and special moods—an interview with French photographer Tiffany Roubert.

Tiffany Roubert is a French photographer currently based in London where she completed her Master in Documentary Photography at the University of the Arts London. Whether personal portraits, shoots from her latest travels or commissioned photography projects, her imagery always conveys the unaffected sincerity of a fleeting moment. Just a few days ago, we had the pleasure to ask Tiffany Roubert some questions about her work and photography in general. You can find her answers right below the following image.

Self-portrait of French photographer Tiffany Roubert.

How did you get into photography?

“I grew up in France and at age 22 I traveled to Australia, it was there that I first dreamed of being a photographer.”

How would you describe your photographic style?

“I’m drawn to spontaneous moments. I look for soft and warm light, for intimate moments and special moods.”

What makes a good picture?

“Everyone has a story, a good picture would be one that tells part of that story.”

Do you usually plan your shoots or are you more of a spontaneous photographer?

“I used to be a spontaneous photographer but caught myself planning more and more my shoots lately, there is a lot of advantages in doing so (starting by..getting better results!)”

What fascinates you about portrait photography?

“How it can reveal someone’s personality more than words would.”

Thanks for the interview, Tiffany!

Photography by Tiffany Roubert.
Photography by Tiffany Roubert.
Photography by Tiffany Roubert.
Photography by Tiffany Roubert.
Photography by Tiffany Roubert.
Photography by Tiffany Roubert.
Photography by Tiffany Roubert.
Photography by Tiffany Roubert.

All images © by Tiffany Roubert. Feel free to visit her website or follow this talented photographer on Instagram. In addition, you can find other inspiring images in our popular Photography section.


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