Tag: infographic design
Mastering Infographic Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Impactful Visualizations
Learn how to create compelling infographics to visualize any kind of data. In a world inundated with information, the ability to convey complex ideas succinctly...
Infographics – Elements Bundle
An extensive infographics template bundle.
With this extensive infographics template bundle, you are able to create stylish and intuitive infographics in a quick and easy...
Bureau Oberhaeuser – Infographic Calendar 2015
Calendar 2015 - Infographic design from Bureau Oberhaeuser.
Martin Oberhäuser of Bureau Oberhaeuser has created a new calendar design for 2015. Just like the years...
Getty Images Infographics by The Design Surgery
Infographic Series for Getty Images.
The Design Surgery has developed this infographics series which illustrates the history of Getty Images. The graphics show Getty Images' influence on various...