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Tag: architectural paintings

Mark Bradley-Shoup – Architectural Paintings

Eyes on American artist Mark Bradley-Shoup and his architectural paintings. Currently based in Chattanooga, Mark Bradley-Shoup earns his money as artist and lecturer at the...

Artist Daniel Mullen – Paintings of Architectural Volumes

Selected paintings of architectural volumes created by Amsterdam based artist Daniel Mullen. Artist Daniel Mullen was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1985. In 2011, he...

Architectural Paintings by Roos van Dijk

A selection of architectural paintings by artist Roos van Dijk. Roos van Dijk was born in Utrecht, Netherlands in 1989. The artist is fascinated by...

Paintings by German Artist H. G. Griese

The visual art of Dresden, Germany based painter H. G. Griese. The German artist saw the light of day back in 1964 in Dresden, Germany...