Ski Video: One of those Days 2 – Candide Thovex

French freeskier Candide Thovex in the ski video “One of those days 2”.

In this short ski video called “One of those days 2”, Candide Thovex, a remarkable French freeskier shows us some crazy lines in the mountain resort of Val Blanc, France. Whether on the slopes, ramps, or in the backcountry, Candide Thovex is pushing the limit. He jumps over different obstacles or other skiers and he just uses everything that comes in his way. Every scene was filmed with a GoPro camera, which results in some great impressions.

Below you can see some stills and the final video at the end of the post. Enjoy it!

Still from the freeride ski video "One of those days 2" by Candide Thovex.
Still from the freeride ski video “One of those days 2” by Candide Thovex.
Jump over the ski slope.
Jump over the ski slope.
Big air ski in the backcountry.
Big air ski in the backcountry.
Backcountry by French skier Candide Thovex.
Backcountry by French skier Candide Thovex.
Using a lift station as ramp.
Using a lift station as ramp.
Grind over the handrail.
Grind over the handrail.


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