“Inner State”, a photo series created between 2014-2016 by Maria Mavropoulou in order to document the feeling of living during an era of crisis, namely the Greek crisis.

Maria Mavropoulou, a Greek artist and photographer just submitted her photo series “Inner State” to WE AND THE COLOR. The series has been created between 2014-2016 in order to document the feeling of living during an era of crisis, namely the Greek crisis.

Maria Mavropoulou says: “Revisiting these photographs nowadays, during the Covid-19 health crisis, I sense those same feelings of uncertainty and unpredictable change of fundamental aspects of everyday life as we used to know it. This current global situation may be an important moment to realize that no matter what causes a crisis, or where it takes place, solidarity, collaboration, and compassion is our only way out.”

A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.
A photo from the series 'Inner State' by Maria Mavropoulou.

All images © by Maria Mavropoulou. Feel free to see other inspiring images in our Photography section.

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