Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado

Jonatan Maldonado is an award-winning Creative Director based in Los Angeles, CA. His career took him from Ecuador over Argentina to the U.S. Besides his profession, he likes to take photographs, playing guitar, and mountain biking, usually not all at the same time.

Jonatan just sent over this personal photography project, a portrait series of some of the oldest trees in the world. ‘Creatures of The Ancient Forest’ features sharp details of some of these trees. Deep structures and intricate shapes convey the impression of mysterious old creatures.

Jonatan Maldonado says: “The Ancient Bristlecone Forest in California is home to the oldest trees in the world, some of them older than 4.000 years! You can find this forest at 3.400 meters (11,000 feet) in the White Mountains near Bishop, Ca. The Bristlecone Pine trees grow with fantastic shapes, their branches reach out in every direction, twisting towards the sky and even crawling on the ground. Being surrounded by these animal-like forms felt like being in the middle of an ancient fable. Or maybe it was the lack of oxygen at that altitude. I wanted to share this experience with everyone, and thankfully I had brought my camera with me.”

Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado.
Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado.
Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado.
Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado.
Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado.
Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado.
Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado.
Creatures of The Ancient Forest, a personal photography project by Jonatan Maldonado.

All images © by Jonatan Maldonado. Do not hesitate to browse through our popular Photography section to find other inspiring imagery shot by talented photographers from all over the world.


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