Animation by Pocko Lab for Ian Cobain’s book “Cruel Britannia”

Cruel Britannia – Animation.

One-minute animation directed by Pocko Lab to promote Ian Cobain’s latest book entitled “Cruel Britannia”.

The animated video is featured in our WE AND THE COLOR Vimeo Group and Channel.

“Pocko Lab was asked to direct and produce a one-minute animation to promote Ian Cobain’s latest book entitled “Cruel Britannia”. Commissioned by our friends at Granta Publications, we enlisted the extraordinary talents of Viumasters, who we had recently met during our travels in Mexico. Ian Cobain looks beyond the cover-ups to reveal a secret and shocking record of torture in British Forgein Affairs. From WWII to the War on Terror, “Cruel Britannia” shows how the British have repeatedly and systematically resorted to torture, turning a blind eye where necessary, bending the law where they can, and issuing categorical denials all the while. What emerges is a picture of Britain that challenges our complacency on human rights and exposes the lie behind our reputation for fair play.”


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