Environmental Awareness Artworks by Boris Pelcer

Environmental Awareness

Artworks by Boris Pelcer.

Environmental Awareness - Artwork by Boris Pelcer
Environmental Awareness – Artwork by Boris Pelcer
Environmental Awareness - Painting by Boris Pelcer
Environmental Awareness – Painting by Boris Pelcer
Environmental Awareness - Art of Boris Pelcer
Environmental Awareness – Art of Boris Pelcer

“We live in profit-driven economies that often fail to create the most effective method of efficiently utilizing natural resources to satisfy the needs of humanity. As a result, some places get more resources than necessary, while others barely get any resources A perfect example of inefficiency is food distribution. Some countries get too much food, while others get barely enough.

I don’t have the answers, but to encourage an effort in creating solutions, I used my refugee experience of living a simpler life, as a scenario of what life might be like for our children & grandchildren if economies collapsed, due to the our inability to efficiently utilize natural resources. This series is meant to bring you out of your comfort zone to help you rekindle your appreciation for the little things in your life & provide some food for thought.”