A series of illustrations created by Andrew Fairclough for Australian supermarket chain Woolworths Metro.
Andrew Fairclough is a Sydney, Australia based illustrator, graphic designer, and art director. He was recently commissioned to create a series of illustrations for Australian supermarket chain Woolworths Metro. The flexible set was made to be used primarily as mural designs and point of sale in every stores. Please read more below the first image.
Andrew Fairclough has created numerous illustrations, which create a fun and localized twist on Metro’s status as “The Fresh Food People”. The diverse images can be mixed in different ways to match the distinctive character of each store and neighborhood. Based on cultural quirks as well as local characters and typical landmarks of each region, the images convey a fresh visual experience. Some examples can be found below. For more, please visit Andrew Fairclough’s website or check out his portfolio on Behance.
All images © by Andrew Fairclough. Check out more exceptional work created by some of the world’s best illustrators on WE AND THE COLOR. Our Illustration category includes a wide range of different work such as handmade drawings and modern computer graphics.