An illustration series created by Yukai Du as a Study of Ancient Towns in China.

Yukai Du is an illustrator and motion designer originally from China who currently lives and works in the UK. As a personal project, she has created an illustration series as a study of ancient towns in China.

“Originally from China, I was sent to learn Chinese painting when I was 4. The fineness of Chinese painting was something I could not appreciate at that age. After I moved to London and established my career as an illustrator and animator, I went to Beijing to visit where my grandfather grew up. It brought back my memory of the buildings and landscapes I used to see in Chinese paintings. Therefore, the personal project is for me to find a way to depict some Chinese historic locations with a combination of Chinese painting elements and my ‘modernized’ illustration style.” — Yukai Du

Below you can see her beautiful artworks. For those of you who want to see more of her work, please visit Yukai Du’s website or follow her on Behance and Instagram.

The Study of Ancient Towns in China illustrated by Yukai Du.
The Study of Ancient Towns in China illustrated by Yukai Du.
The Study of Ancient Towns in China illustrated by Yukai Du.
The Study of Ancient Towns in China illustrated by Yukai Du.

All images © by Yukai Du. Do not hesitate to find other inspiring artworks in our popular Illustration category.


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