Animation: A Thousand Reasons by Dan Britt

A Thousand Reasons - Stop Motion. An animation directed by Dan Britt for the 1000 reasons campaign of the WMD Awareness Programme. Dan Britt was...

Motion Graphics by Gur Margalit

Motion Design Inspiration. Motion graphics graduation project by Gur Margalit. "Every existing detail on the universe around us has its own beat, rhythm and movement. I've...

Amazing Motion Graphic – DISFORM 2012 by Dani Wolf

Video: DISFORM 2012 Outstanding motion graphics by Dani Wolf. "The signage system of the alternative music festival DISFORM 2012 has two purposes: to direct the audience,...

Cover Animation for iPad Magazine by Happycentro

A cover animation for iPad Magazine produced and directed by design studio Happycentro, based in Verona, Italy. La Vita Nòva — DOMO SAPIENS. "Every year 7 new...

Motion Graphics by Sean McClintock – Reel 2011

Outstanding Motion Graphics. Showreel with outstanding animations and 3d designs from 2011 by motion graphic designer Sean McClintock.

Experimental Filmmaking – Emergence by Susi Sie

Emergence. An experimental short film by visual artist Susi Sie. Every single scene in the video was filmed with a Canon 5D Mark II and...

Outstanding Motion Graphics by Maxim Zhestkov

Motion Graphics Inspiration. Showreel 2012 by filmmaker, designer, and artist Maxim Zhestkov.

Displace and Reduce Motion Graphics in Cinema 4D

Displace and Reduce. A motion graphics test in Cinema 4D by Toros Köse with the displacement deformer and the polygon reduction tool.

Dark Side of The Lens – Short Film by Astray Films

Dark Side of The Lens. A multiple award-winning action sports short film by Astray Films about the raw nature of the ocean, the waves, surfing,...

Steadyo – Experimental Video by 123Jaera

Steadyo - Video. An experimental video by Joey aka 123Jaera. Stunning yo-yo tricks in conbination with kaleidoscopic effects.

Motion Reel 2012 by Alexey Frolov

Stunning motion graphics for your inspiration. Motion design reel 2012 with the latest graphic works, film and video animations by Alexey Frolov/MrFrukta a Russian graphic...