Unique Way – brand design for a travel company.
Beijing, China based graphic design and branding studio One & One Design was approached to create a range of branding and promotional materials for Unique Way. This Chinese travel company offers customized travel plans, which give unique travel experiences to the customers. Unique Way breaks with the conventional tourism market to provide a whole new concept for the Chinese travel market.
Studio One & One Design created a general brand guide for Unique Way, several travel coupons, invitations and brochures for different destinations. The logos were thermoprinted on all promotional materials to give a pearly white touch. A playful illustration on the front side of each invitation features a representative landmark of the respective destination. The wax seal highlights the look of a customized travel plan and gives a classy appearance. All name cards were letterpress printed to convey a traditional and elegant style. The logo design in the shape of an amplitude illustrates mountains and the sea in a simple, graphic style.

I like how they package their business cards. It’s simple and minimalistic. But it makes an appeal for me. It’s really true that you have to be plain when you design them. People want what’s easy and fast so oftentimes, business cards with plain designs make an impression for most of them like the one that I’ve seen from http://www.businesscardking.net/build-start.php?s=6&ucid=0&id=0&do=&admin=false&orientation=2