The Space Question prints by Aleksandar Papez, a colorful and futuristic poster series.
Aleksandar Papez likes to create graphically reduced posters and postcards. The latest poster series of this Uster, Switzerland based graphic designer and illustrator is called “Space Question”.
Currently the series includes 4 prints. Below you can see all four illustations as fine art prints. The artworks are a colorful and futuristic journey to distant planets and galaxies. The Swiss illustrator made these prints with love and great imagination. They are a perfect fit for your living room or bedroom. All posters are available in the size of A2 on Etsy.
I’d love to have something like this hung up in my room! These look absolutely gorgeous and artsy. I especially like the one that looks like a mars landing, but with green trees in the distance. I’m a artistic fellow and stuff like this gets me excited, definitely something I’d like to get.