Stunning graphics from an ongoing series of negative space animal logos created by Romanian designer Bodea Daniel.
I have to admit that I really love such experiments with negative space because it’s the purest and most reduced form of expression in graphic design. Bodea Daniel is a graphic designer who lives and works in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. As a designer he is working with clients from all over the world. Furthermore, he often participates in design contests to challenge himself and other creative minds. He is eager to continuously improve his skills.
This ongoing series of negative space animal logos shows his creative abilities. Bodea Daniel has started this project as an exercise to improve his graphical capabilities. Below you can find a few examples of the ongoing series. For those who want to see more of Bodea Daniel’s creative work, please have a look at his website.
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I am curious how I would purchase a Daniel Bodea animal logo as show above.