Joy of Living – Graphic pattern design on an A4 sheet of graph paper by agency Two Create.
Back in 2011, London based Design Guide editor Max Fraser set a challenge to numerous UK based designers. Their task was to create an artwork (using an A4 sheet of graph paper) based on the theme ‘Joy of Living’. The artworks have been exhibited at Somerset House and each work was sold in aid of Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres.
The team of Two Create, a London based award winning multidisciplinary design agency took up the challenge. They say about their work: “We aimed to break the formality of the graph paper by hand drawing a rotating tile spontaneously across the grid. This reflects our pathway through life, where a series of decisions take you through life’s twists and turns, making up a bigger picture as a whole. Like the artwork, life’s beauty comes from the diversity and uniqueness of one’s path.”