Everything is in your hands, a short film by French filmmaker Gioacchino Petronicce.
Gioacchino Petronicce is an outstanding filmmaker and director who’s mainly working on a variety of visual compositions and sound creations. His short film called “Everything is in your hands” shows how remarkable and amazing our two hands are. His aim was not to cover the entire subject of our hands, that might be too much. With his film, he rather wanted to show how hands inspire him. Feel free to watch the short film below the first image. For additional information on his creative work, please visit his website or follow him on Facebook. Some stills and credits can be found below the video.
The film is also featured on our YouTube channel. You can subscribe here.
Any footage © by Gioacchino Petronicce.
Music: various versions of “In the Hall of the Mountain King” Composed by Edvard Grieg and re-edited for this short film.
First assistant director and make up: Camille Martin.
Directed, shot and edited by Gioacchino Petronicce