Online Courses

Find the right online courses by professional instructors. In our selection of high-quality courses and online classes, you can choose from many topics, skill levels, and numerous languages. With lifetime access, you can study any topic from home or just when it suits you best. Do not hesitate to find the best online courses for you!

Crafting Powerful Messages: A Playful Typography Journey with Dani Molyneux

Dani Molyneux's online course on playful typography for powerful communication is a refreshing dive into the world of visual expression through words. As a...

Learn Mobile Phone Travel Photography

With this popular online course by Dan Tom, you can learn to create stunning travel photography with your mobile phone. Dan Tom is a professional...

Discover the Power of Color: Unveiling the Secrets in Sean Adams’...

Have you ever been captivated by a visually stunning piece of art, design, or even a simple advertisement? The magic behind that impact often...

Mobile App Design Online Course

Discover the fundamental concepts of UX and UI in order to craft an app interface using Sketch. Mobile apps have become a go-to solution for...

Learn to Decorate Your Home on a Budget

Through this online course, you will acquire the skills to revamp your preferred room, infusing it with your unique style and personal flair. By employing...

Learn Creative Writing with Shaun Levin

This online course by Shaun Levin teaches you how to use the power of words to sketch a story that will be unforgettable. To write...

Learn Mobile Filmmaking and Capture Stories With Your Phone

With this highly recommended online course by Cassius Rayner, you can learn all the fundamentals of mobile cinematography to create captivating videos that tell...

The Top 5 Digital Marketing Online Courses on Domestika

With this selection of the 5 best digital marketing online courses, you will learn all the skills and knowledge you need. If you're looking to...

Narrative Photography Online Course

With this online course by Dara Scully, you will learn the resources to tell a story through photography. Dara Scully is a renowned photographer and...

The Best DIY Woodworking Online Course for Beginners in 2023

Unlock your inner woodworker: Learn woodworking with the help of Patricio Ortega, an accomplished architect, carpenter, and co-founder of the MaderĂ­stica workshop. If you've ever...

Learn Stamp Making for Textured Pottery

With this online course by Sarah Pike, you can learn how to make functional ceramic pieces with custom textures by taking a course in...

Picture Frame Making Online Course

With this online course, everyone can learn how to make a picture frame with basic techniques to build frames that highlight any piece of...