Home Design Branding Bernadett Baji’s 2015 Wine Label and CV Design by Kissmiklos

Bernadett Baji’s 2015 Wine Label and CV Design by Kissmiklos

Bernadett Baji’s wine label and visual identity by kissmiklos.

Bernadett Baji’s wine label and creative CV design by kissmiklos.

Kissmiklos, a talented Budapest, Hungary based graphic designer and visual artist has created these very special wine labels for Bernadett Baji.

At first glance, Kissmiklos’ solution looks like a typical wine label, but on a closer look you will see it’s a CV. Bernadett Baji’s attempt was to apply for a marketing job at Bortársaság, a Hungarian wine distributor company. Actually, Bernadett asked the designer to create only a nice looking CV, but instead of just doing this, kissmiklos suggested her to use a Tokaj wine as application. Kissmiklos has developed the entire CV in a nice wine label style. After all, Betti got hired by the company.

So I would say, very well done and mission accomplished! For more, please visit: kissmiklos.com

Bernadett Baji’s wine label and CV by kissmiklos.
Bernadett Baji’s wine label and CV by kissmiklos.
Graphic design by kissmiklos, a Budapest, Hungary based designer and visual artist.
Bernadett Baji’s wine label for 2015 create by kissmiklos.
Close up of the design including hang tag, label, and printed matters.



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