Home Illustration ABConcerns – Alphabet Spot Illustrations by Katie Chandler

ABConcerns – Alphabet Spot Illustrations by Katie Chandler

K is for the Keystone Pipeline.

ABConcerns, a series by Katie Chandler of alphabet spot illustrations about growing concerns in the world.

Katie Chandler is an illustrative designer about to be fresh out of art school. Her work can be described as turning big ideas into simple shapes. She enjoys making complex and uninviting topics a bit more approachable. A current personal project she works on is ABConcerns, an alphabet series of spot illustrations about growing concerns in the world (The first set is the environmental edition). Check out more of the series here. You can also view her complete portfolio at: katiechandler.com

D is for Deforestation. "Deforestation is the act of removing trees to make room for farms, a growing population, as well as production purposes. Every hour at least 4,500 acres of forest fall. Deforestation can cause harm to both biodiversity of wildlife as well as the land; erosion of the soil can disrupt the hydrological cycle, causing flooding and mudslides. Climate change is also impacted as forests are a large component in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere."
D is for Deforestation. “Deforestation is the act of removing trees to make room for farms, a growing population, as well as production purposes. Every hour at least 4,500 acres of forest fall. Deforestation can cause harm to both biodiversity of wildlife as well as the land; erosion of the soil can disrupt the hydrological cycle, causing flooding and mudslides. Climate change is also impacted as forests are a large component in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.”
E is for Energy Security. “Energy security is the amount of available energy (supply) compared to use/need (demand) for energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; the issue being, it cannot be created and once it is used it becomes less usable. The majority of our energy comes from fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and oil. We also use a few types of renewable energy such as solar, wind, water, and geothermal. The energy transition the Earth is passing through is possibly the most important one humans have faced during the evolution of the planet.”
F is for Fracking. “Hydraulic Fracturing or “Fracking” is the process of pumping a concoction of chemicals (fracking fluid) into the ground in order to break shale rock which will release natural gas. Individuals nearby a site receiving their water from wells are especially at risk for contamination.”
K is for the Keystone Pipeline. “The Keystone Pipline is an oil pipeline system stretching from Canada to refineries in the U.S. and sparks controversy due to crossing through environmentally sensitive regions.”
O is for Overpopulation. “Our population is growing rapidly and exponentially. We have made some significant progress in the medical industry, people are living longer, and many other positive things – however, our most valuable resources cannot keep up as we reach overcapacity. Overconsumption and overpopulation underline every environmental problem we face today – at this rate we will end up overboard, fighting to survive.”



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