24 Days of Torture, a “terrifying” Christmas story written and directed by VIK & NES.
VIK & NES is a creative collaboration between Victoria Jardine and Ines Pagniez. Based in Stuttgart, Germany and London, UK, the two creative minds specialize in animation and filmmaking. Just in time for Christmas, they have produced this lovely short film called: “24 Days of Torture”. The little animation is telling the frightening story of Christopher, a little advent calendar that tries to protect his beloved chocolates over the period of Christmas. Some stills and full credits can be found below the video.
The video is also featured on our YouTube channel. Feel free to subscribe here.
Any footage © by VIK & NES (vik-nes.com)
Written and Directed by Victoria Jardine and Ines Pagniez of VIK & NES
Design and Art Directed by Colin Bigelow
Music Composed by Kenny Wood
Clay Modelling and Photography by Ines Pagniez
Background artists: Colin Bigelow, Gabrielle Locre, Tristan Menard, Victoria Jardine
Animators: Paul Torris, Pascale Bories, Jean Guillaume Culot, Emer Phillips
Clean up Artists: Paul Torris, Jean Guillaume Culot, Victoria Jardine, Ana Obau
Compositing: Victoria Jardine, Gabrielle Locre
Sound design by Florian Calmer
Voice actors: Anthony R. Parnther, Brian Richy
Musicians: Vocals Sergio Vellatti, Guitar: Daniel Lemer, Drums & Percussion: Jamie Strowhiro