Greek Gods – Illustrations by Michał Bednarski

Greek Gods, a personal project by Polish illustrator Michał Bednarski.

As a personal project, Polish freelance illustrator Michał Bednarski has created this series of artworks featuring iconic gods of the Greek mythology.

Michał Bednarski works as a freelance illustrator and graphic artist in Lublin, Poland. Below you can see six of his “Greek Gods” illustrations or check out Michał Bednarski’s portfolio to find more of his creative work. The individual descriptions were taken from Wikipedia.

Greek Gods, a personal project by Polish illustrator Michał Bednarski.
Greek Gods, a personal project by Polish illustrator Michał Bednarski.
Demeter, the goddess of the harvest.
Demeter is the goddess of the harvest, who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth. Her cult titles include Sito, “she of the Grain”, as the giver of food or grain and Thesmophoros (thesmos: divine order, unwritten law; “phoros”: bringer, bearer), “Law-Bringer”, as a mark of the civilized existence of agricultural society.
Nike, in ancient Greek religion, was a goddess who personified victory.
Nike, in ancient Greek religion, was a goddess who personified victory, also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory. The Roman equivalent was Victoria. Depending upon the time of various myths, she was described as the daughter of the Titan Pallas and the goddess Styx, and the sister of Kratos, Bia, and Zelus.
Hermes is a god of transitions and boundaries.
Hermes is a god of transitions and boundaries. He is quick and cunning, and moves freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife. He is the protector and patron of herdsmen, thieves, oratory and wit, literature and poetry, athletics and sports, invention and trade, roads, boundaries and travellers.
Artemis in the classical period of Greek mythology was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo.
Artemis in the classical period of Greek mythology was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women; she often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows.
Poseidon is one of the twelve Olympian deities of the pantheon in Greek mythology.
Poseidon is one of the twelve Olympian deities of the pantheon in Greek mythology. His main domain is the ocean, and he is called the “God of the Sea”. Additionally, he is referred to as “Earth-Shaker” due to his role in causing earthquakes, and has been called the “tamer of horses”.
Nyx (Greek word for Night) is the Greek goddess or personification of the night.
Nyx (Greek word for “Night”) is the Greek goddess or personification of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation, and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus. Her appearances are sparse in surviving mythology, but reveal her as a figure of such exceptional power and beauty, that is feared by Zeus himself.