Fine Art Bird Prints by Kai and Sunny

Fine Art Graphics

Bird prints for the Stolen Space Gallery – London – 2010, art exhibition ‘Return to the Wild” by Kai and Sunny.

fine art birds graphics by Kai and Sunny
fine art birds graphics by Kai and Sunny
fine art birds graphics by Kai and Sunny
fine art birds graphics by Kai and Sunny
fine art birds graphics by Kai and Sunny
fine art birds graphics by Kai and Sunny

“‘Return To The Wild’ is the follow-up show to ‘What A Wonderful World’, exhibited at the Stolen Space gallery – London in January 2009. Like ‘What A Wonderful World’, Kai and Sunny continue to explore the feelings that nature can project. Their new body of work in ‘Return To The Wild’ goes further, capturing landscapes that we know do not exist and yet convey that feeling of ‘deja vu’. That’s because these large scale series of prints come from a more emotional point of view that hits the viewer on a visceral level.”